Rheinmetall and Denel hosted a ‘Defence Day’, the second of its kind, from 20-23 April. The week showcased their large portfolio of defence systems and the weapons through to the bombs, bullets and pyrotechnics that make up the sharp end. A merging of local and international defence technology has produced some very interesting results. Making full use of the Denel Overberg Test Range to illustrate the long range and accuracy of the munitions, the Defence Day proved an incredibly informative event for the defence professional, in uniform and out.

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Badger IFV fires the Ingwe anti-tank missile at a static target. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Badger IFV enters the firing range to engage targets with its Denel-built 30mm cannon. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Denel Land Systems T5-52 artillery system fires its 155mm cannon at targets in Overberg Test Range.ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – tracking software showing the movement of a 155mm rocket-assisted shell across the range. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – a Denel PAW20 20mm drum-fed rifle is fired towards a steel plate target. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A South African Air Force (SAAF) Hawk armed with the Al Tariq long range guided munition performs a low altitude fly past before going weapons hot. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Badger IFV enters the firing range to engage targets with its Denel GI-30 30mm cannon. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A SAAF Rooivalk Attack Helicopter banks during its weapons run. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Rooivalk attack helicopter fires a ripple of 70mm FFAR rockets. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – A Rooivalk Attack Helicopter engages a target with its 20mm cannon. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – An obsolete tank used as a target is hit with 20mm rounds from a SAAF Rooivalk attack helicopter. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – The Rheinmetall and Denel marquee at Overberg Test Range in the Western Cape. ADR/JOHN STUPART

The Assegai range of 155mm ammunition on display at the Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – The resultant explosion of 100+ metres of mine-clearing Plofadder 160AT MKII explosives. ADR/JOHN STUPART

Rheinmetall Denel Defence Day – an illumination round is fired from a T5-52 mobile artillery system ADR/JOHN STUPART

A member of the demonstration team enveloped by smoke from a handheld flare launch. ADR/DARREN OLIVIER

A Denel Land Systems Y3 automatic grenade launcher, pictured on the range after a firing demonstration