A-Darter programme reaches maturity
The A-Darter IR-guided short-range air-to-air missile (SRAAM), developed jointly by South Africa and Brazil & co-funded by their respective air forces, has turned out to be an impressive achievement, with performance figures far in excess of what many believed the...
Denel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar: What we know
Denel might well be bought out by Saudi Arabia. But before that happens there is a lot of paperwork and moral questioning that must occur. ADR’s Darren Olivier points that, although we’re now at this unsavoury choice between sacrificing human rights or thousands of skilled jobs, Qatar may have had a plan B option all along.

Rooivalk DRC deployment costs revealed
The South African Ministry of Defence has for the first time revealed the operating and deployment costs of the three Denel Rooivalk combat support helicopters deployed to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the DRC (MONUSCO). The figures were provided as an...
Rooivalks may return from the DRC
South Africa’s Rooivalk attack helicopters may be due to return from the Democratic Republic of Congo shortly as MONUSCO tries to manage severe budget cuts.