Attack on President Mnangagwa likely by a hand grenade
CONWAY WADDINGTON analyses the available footage of the attack.

A timeline of the coup in Zimbabwe
Whatever the initial objectives, for most of the 14th of November the ZDF forces who had appeared in or around Harare appeared to be calm, taking no specific action, and nobody in the civilian government, ruling party, or military appeared willing to comment. In the early morning of the 15th, the situation changed. Dramatically.

Something is happening in Zimbabwe. It might be a coup. It might not. (UPDATED: It now appears more likely that it is)
From the material emerging from Zimbabwe today, we take a first look at what might be happening in the country.

Af Urur followup – some interesting details
In the course of researching the al-Shabaab attack on Puntland Security Forces at Af Urur on 8 June 2017, a couple of interesting little details emerged.