Global defence budgets set to rise

Global defence budgets set to rise

2014 will be the first year that global defence budgets will grow overall since 2009, according to the IHS Jane’s Annual Defence Budgets Review from HIS. Total global defence spending in 2014 will be $1,547-trillion up from $1,538-trillion in 2013 – a 0,6% increase in...
Global defence budgets set to rise

Saab wins R150m German Air Force orders

Defence and security company Saab has received three orders for self-protection equipment for the German Air Force’s Tornado fleet which forms the backbone of the German Luftwaffe air defence capability. Development and production of the order will take place at Saab...
What happened in Juba?

What happened in Juba?

After two days of confused accounts of violence in the South Sudanese capital, some details of the causes and consequences of the devastating firefights have begun to emerge.